a relic from the past.
I wrote this back in senior year...this was the essay I submitted alongside my application form to the Ateneo de Manila University.
There could never be anyone like me.
I just want to make some things clear first. I do not allege to be guided by the 5 C’s that are expected of every Ateneo de Manila High School graduate. Nor do I claim to be an advocate of anything that may seem too theoretical for this world to comprehend.
What I do profess to be, however, is who I am now, because of the things that define my very existence.
All these years, I’ve found myself to be the butt of endless jokes. I would be the one who’d suffer in silence almost everyday, just having to face a whole class, knowing that I would get hounded on endlessly till the day’s end. The jokes played on me… well, they’re not as innocent as they seem. Believe me, it doesn’t feel good to be Claude Dietrich P. Yumul from the class of 4-I at all, considering that from the moment I step on the floors of my classroom, I already am welcomed with endless strings of below-the-belt misdemeanor, which may very well serve as a morning greeting. For once, I’ve found myself shattered to pieces by these because I wasn’t prepared to face them. I was their loser.
So what’s the significance of these jokes that I really have to type it all down here, when all that these have caused me are pain, suffering, and a near-loss of self-respect? Well, I may have had to learn the hard way, but it sure made a stronger, wiser, more resolved person out of me. I once had none of these things that I claim to possess, but because of all the pain I had to endure every single day, I learned to discern between the true friends and those who think of me as a friend with benefits, be more opinionated, and keep a stronger temperament.
Admittedly I have been tempted to surrender and give up the fight one time too many to recall, but deep inside me is a fire burning, burdening me to go on, lifting me up in my sorrow. And the very things that keep that fire ablaze are what keep me from losing myself in the fight: the faith I live up to, the passion I carry around my shoulders, and the integrity that keeps my feet planted on solid ground.
I don’t think I need to elaborate as to how important faith is to me. It is a sad fact that none, if not few, really take it seriously. I may stumble a lot like most of us all do every now and then, but it is what keeps me going on and trying with all efforts to stay alive and kicking. I’m nothing without His love sustaining me.
If there’s anything I’m most passionate about, it would be rising up to the challenges of a leader. When no one would step up to take on the pressures of leading a team, especially in class projects, it would seem as if it’s of second nature to me, a reflex if one wishes, to take the reins and steer the wheel, giving direction to my team’s progress.
My mind simply cannot comprehend how I would have been able to survive without these three essentials in my life. Without my faith I would have sunken deeper into a whirlpool which I know I may not be able to surpass. Without passion I wouldn’t have accomplished anything, from honing my musical inclinations to finding my true friends. Without integrity I would have lost both my own identity and my self-respect so long ago. An idea too perfect like the 5 C’s could never define the imperfect soul that I am. I may be only human, but I too yearn to strive, to live, to love life in all its simplicity.
I am all of me."